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Tag: Medicare Crestview Florida

Can My Drug Cost Go Over $2000 On a Part D Plan if a Drug is not on Formulary?

Can My Drug Cost Go Over $2000 On a Part D Plan if a Drug is not on Formulary?

Yes, your drug costs can exceed $2,000 on a Medicare Part D plan if the drug is not on your plan’s formulary (the list of covered drugs). The $2,000 out-of-pocket cap (starting in 2025) only applies to covered drugs. What Happens If a Drug Is Not on the Formulary? You Pay Full Price – If a medication is not on your plan’s formulary, Medicare does...

Medicare Advantage vs. Medicare Supplements

Medicare Advantage vs. Medicare Supplements

Original Medicare is perfect for many people because it covers most of the priciest healthcare treatments you can get - mainly the hospital stays and the moderately-priced outpatient appointments that stack up to make up a higher expense. Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplements are the extras for those who need Medicare coverage with extra benefits. But there are things you should know before enrolling. You...

Can You Get Medicare While Under 65?

Can You Get Medicare While Under 65?

Medicare is thought to be strictly for those 65 and older, but that is not always the case. If you are disabled, you can get Medicare while being well under 65. However, you have to ensure that you can get disability benefits first.   Medicare isn’t always exclusive to seniors   Medicare is marketed as the federal health insurance program designed for seniors, but it’s...

Is Medicare Advantage Right For You?

Is Medicare Advantage Right For You?

What makes Medicare Advantage right for one person and makes it wrong for someone else, either because of the common drawbacks or not benefiting from the bonus features.   Original Medicare doesn’t meet your healthcare needs   Original Medicare is infamous for not having dental, vision, and hearing coverage. Someone with Original Medicare would need an additional form of insurance, such as Medicaid or insurance...